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The Unicorn Mask of Ignorability
Dreamed 2009/10/13 by Wayan
I walk the lonely halls where I
grew up far from town.
Why relive the labyrinth?
Am I growing down?
I don my childhood unicorn
ignorability mask.
Still works! Creep up and listen in:
hissed arguments among
engineer-priests in antique robes
who stroll the halls of home
unrolling hieroglyphic scrolls.
Pyramid, temple, tomb?
What plan? For whom?
Strangers' debris salts my old room.
Hardback Chinese classics.
Scattered shattered statues on
mummy-shrunken shelves;
grief of the broken. Where can I
hide my unicorn mask--
under closet rubble? If these
scheming builderpriests
see my horn, they'll counterspell,
and I need to spy, still
invisible a while--must be
a forgotten beast until
all their secrets spill.
- Egyptian engineers: solar-panel installers tromped through our house. Priests of the new sun-cult!
- Eavesdrop on the invaders:
- Yesterday as I wrote my dreams, two friends barged into my room, arguing loudly! I was polite--rather than boot them out so I could write.
- I've had a baffling illness the last few years. Is my immune system still trying to identify the invaders?
- Broken sad statues: one of my dream-sculptures is broken, awaits mending; and three more unfinished figurines gather dust.
- Shelves shrunk, but not their support brackets: a pun. Shelf-support! I support myshelf, but myshelf's shrunken. Ambitionless!
- Ignorability mask: with it on, I was visible but they all looked right past me. Dream hints I sabotage publicity for my art because I need obscurity till I figure out... something. But what?
- Animal head: Egyptian gods are, so I'm donning the aspect of a god. But unicorns aren't Egyptian--an outsider god?
- Unicorn:
- Celibacy/horniness? After a big romantic drama exhausted me last year, I haven't been dating or even looking hard.
- Healing? Unicorns were healers; is dream-me my immune system, trying to get a lock on invading disease organisms (Egyptians! West Nile virus?)
- Impossibility? Peter S. Beagle's Last Unicorn found most people saw her as an ordinary mare; they would not see her horn or hear her speak. I empathized: I was a child prodigy, and many adults just went deaf/blind if I said/did the impossible.
- "Forgotten beast": in Patricia McKillip's The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, Sybel grows up orphaned, managing a zoo for orphaned myths. She barely sees herself as human till she must shelter a baby. My unicorn mask is like Sybel's alienation--but mine's removable! Encouraging.
- Finish those sculptures!
- Defend my personal space and time--I've been too polite.
- Get tested for West Nile virus. You never know.
- Be patient with anonymity. I'm choosing to wear the mask of an outsider for a reason, even if my conscious doesn't get it. Plan long.
- This is Dreamverse #59. Each week, a dream-poem. Next: Aquarina Prodigy.
The dream looks more predictive now than symbolic. A few months after it, my mom died suddenly. I turned glum and silent. As I write, our childhood home is being sold. Buyers and realtors wander the halls, planning architectural makeovers... as sixty years of family history crumbles to dust.
house and home -
self-defense -
animal people -
unicorns -
masks and disguises -
spells and curses -
focus and attention -
Egypt, ancient -
mad inventors,
architects -
cults -
privacy and secrets -
sculpture -
outsiders -
career advice -
diagnostic and
prescriptive dreams -
predictive dreams -
psychic dreams in general -
Peter S. Beagle -
Patricia McKillip -
dream poems -
Dreamverse series -
next: Aquarina Prodigy
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