Dreamed 1998/9/3 by Chris Wayan
When my family gets dysfunctional, it shows--since each of my relatives is a planet.
My uncle Jupiter fights with my parents about me. Their argument escalates into open war. Uncle Jupiter sends invaders--purple squid with rayguns!
But later on, I learn how they felt. Someone invades my space, too! I'm annoyed, though not really cramped--my space is really quite large, since I'm a planet too, of course.
It's just the principle of the thing!
I mean, you'd think people invading your planet would at least ask!
My housemate Kirsten finished Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, and found it as silly as I did. "And gay men are from Mercury" I giggled. "Those hot shoes..."
"And us lesbians own the Moon, of course."
"Hmm, you'll have to fight the witches for it. But okay."
"But where are lesbian men like YOU from?" teased Kirsten.
"Oh, I'm from Jupiter" I blurted without thinking.
It just popped out. I hadn't known. But it's true!
Remember, you heard it here first: femboys own the big one. It's so deco and Victorian, you know.
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