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Trumpocalypse Underling

Dreamed 2020/5/3 by Wayan

I'm a low-level devil--Satan's office assistant. He's out to end the world in the next day or two. I love the world, and want it to live, but I'm under his eye and his direct orders; hard to squirm out of obedience.

He makes me carry his sack of ritual tools, and I do it.

He rents a warehouse. Rolls up its textured yellow-brown door and takes possession. Apocalypse Central, open for business! And I can't stop him.

He hires, enslaves, or (for all I know) gets enthusiastic online volunteers to file in through an upstairs side-door, walk along a catwalk, and out another side-door; they seem to be a sort of bucket brigade, each carrying a little something in? Though I don't see how filling a warehouse with dirt (or much of anything else) can end the world. But he does. He's a mover and shaker, this Devil. And he wants to blow that last Trump.

I snoop on him and his chiefs of staff in their daily briefings. Note their names and plans. But who can I pass them to? I have no contacts with rebels--if there even are any. Got no privacy. No freedom, no friends, no power. Feel so helpless.

Their businesslike apocalypse rolls smoothly on...

Trumplike devil and his Apocalypse Factory. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species- & platform-bent dreams - weird dream beings - devils - weird dream jobs - threats & bullies - hierarchy & pecking order - frustration & helplessness - apocalyptic dreams - political dreams - nightmares - anger - truth & lies - presidents - a more effective rebel angel in Devilment - Covid - President Trump - a dream about him 30 years ago: Trump on the Run

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