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Trumpocalypse Underling
Dreamed 2020/5/3 by Wayan
I'm a low-level devil--Satan's office assistant. He's out to end the world in the next day or two. I love the world, and want it to live, but I'm under his eye and his direct orders; hard to squirm out of obedience.
He makes me carry his sack of ritual tools, and I do it.
He rents a warehouse. Rolls up its textured yellow-brown door and takes possession. Apocalypse Central, open for business! And I can't stop him.
He hires, enslaves, or (for all I know) gets enthusiastic online volunteers to file in through an upstairs side-door, walk along a catwalk, and out another side-door; they seem to be a sort of bucket brigade, each carrying a little something in? Though I don't see how filling a warehouse with dirt (or much of anything else) can end the world. But he does. He's a mover and shaker, this Devil. And he wants to blow that last Trump.
I snoop on him and his chiefs of staff in their daily briefings. Note their names and plans. But who can I pass them to? I have no contacts with rebels--if there even are any. Got no privacy. No freedom, no friends, no power. Feel so helpless.
Their businesslike apocalypse rolls smoothly on...
- Apocalypse, rebellious minion: Just saw Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman. Funny. An inept angel and a low-level devil connive together to save the world from their stiff-necked superiors. But those two field agents had way more room to scheme against their bosses than I did in my dream.
- Helpless: Also saw Zoe's Extraordinary Playlist: her songs warned her "your dad's dying", down to the day; but she still can't fix him. Sadly, foreknowledge is not always power.
- People going in & out end the world, and I can't stop them: crowding and mask-refusal spread Covid-19, and I can't stop them! Trump is in power, and he WANTS the plague to spread. Incomprehensible to autistic me, but he's a sociopath; right or wrong, he's sure that acting tough and mocking Covid shores up his power. So he'll do it even if it kills his own!
- ACTION: take herbs and vitamins, wear a mask, and avoid idiots. I can't save others from the Trumpocalypse--not with millions backing him. All I can do is protect myself, not infect others... and call a liar a liar. That much is a civic duty. End of the world or not.
I'm Just Not Myself Today! -
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