Trains Collide
Dreamed l928/6/27 by Dudley Walker
I was in an overhead signal-box, extending over a railway-line I had never seen before. It was night, and I saw approaching what I knew was an excursion train, full of people, returning from some big function. I knew it was my duty to signal this train through, which I did, but at the same time I had a feeling that the train was doomed. (I have nothing to do with railway work.) In my dream I seemed to hover in the air, and follow the express as it slowed to round a loop line. As it approached a station I saw, to my horror, another small train on the same line. Although they seemed both travelling slowly, they met with terrible impact. I saw the express and its coaches pitch and twist in the air, and the noise was terrible. |
I distinctly heard a doctor say: "Poor chap, he's dead.,, Some other voice said: "I believe I saw his eyelids move." Then the doctor said: "It's only your nerves; he has been dead some time."The train accident had occurred just before midnight of June 27 at a city some miles distant. A newspaper report contained several details that corresponded with Walker's dream: It was an excursion train. It collided with another train. Eight people were killed--a man, six women, and one little girl. An engine was derailed. "One gruesome sight was that of a man's body lying on top of one of the carriages." Mr. Walker had given a detailed account of the dream to his mother and to his boss at work before the news was known, and, importantly, he had written a short note about the dream in his diary at work. |
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