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Trading Places

1983/6/20, by Chris Wayan

Ad for 1983 film 'Trading Places'.

My sisters want us all to go see Eddie Murphy in Trading Places. But I feel weirdly reluctant to go to the nearest theater showing it; I suggest another.

They point out "driving to a more distant theater wastes gas".

True enough. I can't justify my feeling, so off we go.

Oops. Turns out the showtime listed in the paper for this theater was a typo--it won't play for an hour.

The theater's in a mall. The boringest mall in the world. We wander it for an endless hour...

At last it's movie time!

Oops. Power failure.

Fade to black. I never did see that movie.

2020 NOTES

No, this one's not a dream. And not life or death--not dramatic. Not all apparently predictive intuitions are.

Of course, waking OR dreaming hunches are useful only if you act on them. Here, I caved in to social pressure, though I did speak up; a start. Today, after a thousand such premonitions turned out to be right, I'd be more insistent.

Why share such a small thing? I'm adding a set of shorter psychic dreams plus a few nondream premonitions like this to the World Dream Bank to strengthen its case that dreamworkers should keep their minds open about ESP.

I've been a dreamworker half a century; when I began, ESP was (if not respectable) not an outrageous hypothesis. Today there's a cultural shift--it seems to be associated with sixties excess and gets rejected out of hand.

It shouldn't be. If you start doing dreamwork and weird stuff like this happens to you...

You're NORMAL!

LISTS AND LINKS: siblings - socializing & social pressure - assertion vs. surrender - movies - clocks & schedules - oops! - power - premonitions - ESP in general - that night: Here Comes a Chopper

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