Dreamed 1982 by Hilary Mantel
This is one of the oddest, most benign dreams I have ever had. It occurred when I was staying with a friend in Norfolk. At the time (1982), I was unhappy, harassed, homesick and displaced.
I dream that I am made entirely of purple towelling. I have no hands or feet, just the kind of cuddly stumps that a soft toy has. I am of normal height, but I have teddy-bear proportions.EDITOR'S NOTEI am an innocent, jolly object, but quite self-possessed--quite normal, in fact. My face has no features--nevertheless, I walk, I think, I am entirely happy with myself.
My purple towelling head is attached to my body by five great press-studs, or poppers.
When I have a headache, I take off my head and walk around without it.
As a nervous, currently stressed-out person, this one simply made me happy. If a bit envious.
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: The Tiger Garden: A Book of Writers' Dreams by Nicholas Royle, 1996, p.157. I added title.
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