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Torture--a Dream

Dreamed 1985 by Rita Wolff

In the 1970s-80s, Rita Wolff painted a series of watercolors of dreams. Thirty or so were published in a book with this grandiose claim:

Although she is self-taught and has only been painting for a dozen years it can be said that Wolff has extended that art by a new category; because unlike the dream-like subjects of surrealism, Wolff creates pictorial records of actual dreams, of her own, of friends and acquaintances.

As if nobody ever painted or drew an actual dream before 1975!

After claiming uniqueness for the subject matter, the book then omits the "actual dreams" that the paintings illustrate--leaving us with powerful images severed from context. This is all you get.

'Torture--a Dream', a watercolor by Rita Wolff.

SOURCE: Rita Wolff: Watercolours, 1974-1985 by Rita Wolff, 1986; St Martin's Press, NY (Plate XXIII)

LISTS AND LINKS: prisons & cages - bullying & threats - masks & disguises - nightmares - a police grilling turns mystical in Who'll Be My Love? - past deaths recalled in Torturer - collaborations - watercolor & gouache - more Rita Wolff

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