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Dreamed 1989 or before by E. W. Kellogg, as told by Stanley Krippner

Psychologist E. W. Kellogg has reported a number of case studies in which he used lucid dreaming to heal an injury. In one case, Kellogg himself reported that he had punctured his tonsil with a wooden skewer while he was eating Japanese food. His tonsil became swollen and infected. He attempted an out-of-body experience to heal his tonsil, but instead had the following lucid dream:
I became lucid and tried to heal my throat. I looked in a mirror and my throat looked healthy, but the tonsils looked more like the middle section [i.e., uvula] than like tonsils. So, in my dream body my throat looks healthy, but different. I use affirmation for healing to occur and my throat does feel much better.
Upon waking from this dream, Kellogg did not feel any pain and the next day the right tonsil looked almost normal. He reported that 95 percent of his infection disappeared within twelve hours of his lucid dream.


I too have found that visualization in waking life seems to have subtle effects on the material world, but willing things in dreams amplifies that effect a lot (meditative states may do it too, but I'm an inept meditator). Mind you, I rarely will or wish, in dreams or out. Not out of inability, or lack of desire, but a deep-seated reluctance--I don't fully trust myself. That horror story The Monkey's Paw made a huge impression on me as a kid! Wishes can go wrong. So be clear you really want it, and that you won't be hurting anyone else.

Not that I'd hesitate here. Healing an infected wound is about as justified as a goal can get.

SOURCE: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de Carvalho, 2002, p.73. Primary source: Lucidity Letter 8, #1, 1989, pp. 6-7.

LISTS AND LINKS: illness - lucid dreams - willpower - Natalian dreams (dreams having physical effects) - shamanic dreams - more Stanley Krippner

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