Thirty Days
Events 1980/4/14-15, written 2012/7/17 by Wayan
in memory of Beryl
My friend Beryl led me deep
into Ventana Wilderness. We floated, flirted in a thermal pool Two alone. So we thought. But not. A crazed
My pack the madman stole
My boots, too, the madman stole
Trailhead. Rangers soon confessed
Welcome home! Our landlord stole
I know why this wave. Because I gave
But to my shock I found she was
Cool and slack as a corpse inside. Skin and eyes alive, but just Thirty degrees Celsius. Tepid as a newt. Can't be.
Newborn nude and dripping. Found
March was gone. I felt not cleansed
Do I believe I summoned scourge?
Later, Beryl's dead. Malignant wave
to our short and brutal world. Or
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