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Theft of the Ark

Dreamed c.960 BCE by King Solomon

Sir Wallis Budge relates the interesting story connected with the stealing of the Hebrew ark of the covenant.

On the night when Solomon, the King of the Jews, lay with Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, he dreamed of the stealing of the ark, but did not tell his dream to a priest until long after.

That was when Ebna Hakim, the son of Solomon and Makeda, came on an embassy to Jerusalem. Solomon failed to persuade Hakim to stay in Jerusalem, where the ark was. Hakim therefore was anointed in the Temple as David II, King of Ethiopia, and sent back with a retinue of young Jewish nobles.

They took the ark with them.

This disaster was only discovered when Solomon belatedly told his dream and the priestly interpreter went to the Temple to confirm the dreadful truth.


Wikipedia, under Queen of Sheba, has more details about the Ethiopian story, but little can be nailed down--neither her realm (Yemen or Ethiopia), nor the dates of her reign (c.1013-982 by Ethiopia's calendar = c.1006-975 BCE, dates a bit too early to fit Solomon's (also fuzzy) chronology, which has him taking the throne c.970 BCE around age 15). Still, after 3000 years and across different calendars, the two timelines agree to within 1%; so their affair looks a lot more likely to be historical than, say, Joseph and the Pharaoh's dreams, which don't match well with any Egyptian dynasty.

SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, p.50; he lists his sources as "Sir Wallis Budge, History of Ethiopia, 1928 (pp. 227 and 446). See also J. Bruce, Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile (1804), vol. 3, p. 202, vol. 4, p.74."

LISTS AND LINKS: royalty & aristocracy - family - dads - religion - Judaism - heritage - treasure - theft - advice & warnings - psychic dreams - initiative vs. procrastination - more Megroz

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