Taken Over
Dreamed by Eileen, Jony, and probably Kim, 1979 or before.
The scariest dream I ever had was apparently shared by my husband, Jony.
I was out of my body. A man dared me to get farther and farther from it. Finally he took it over. I was in a state of panic when Jony entered into my dream and helped me get back into my body. I woke up and had a feeling of terrible heaviness and evil in the house.Just then Jony woke up and said (without my offering anything) that he'd just had a terrible dream and asked if I was okay.
At that moment Kim, my four-year-old daughter, started screaming. I went to her, and she said that something awful was in her room. She said, "A big monster is over my bed." She spent the rest of the night in bed with us.
We all felt a very negative influence all night.
SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed, p.272;
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