The Summoners
Dreamed by Jim Shaw between 1987 & Jan. 1995.
--Jim Shaw
Jim Shaw is best known as the guy who assembled a show of thrift store paintings--a gallery of found art. This piece is proof, if needed, that he CAN draw on his own. Even if, even here, he's taking on someone else's style--this really does look like Wally Wood's 1960s cartooning. The content, too, seems very Sixties: the sexiness within careful censorship-limits, the fusion of nature, women and magic, and how these, freed to do their thing, promptly summon a monster. Anima Rising (in Joni Mitchell's phrasing) turns round to bite you. Is it a giant fanged dick or a vast vagina dentata? Oh well, either way, it's a monstrous world--the world of Robert Williams the Lowbrow Artist...
At least that's how I'd read this one.
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: Jim Shaw's Dreams, Jan. 1995, Smart Art Press. Dreamed 1987-95; drawn 1993-95.
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