Sing to my Alien Friend
Dreamed 2017/3/7
That hushed and sexist home
of my childhood where only femme was fair-- can't live there. Long gone. |
I woke genuinely unsure what species my alien friend was. I know that sounds odd, but my sensory wiring is unusual. I can't recognize faces, so I mostly know people by voice, body language and energy. Those are so distinct and distracting I tend to overlook physical bodies. I assume it's as genetic as prosopagnosia (face-blindness). Both high-functioning autism and second sight run in my family; either (or both interacting) could be responsible.
So I truly don't know if she was wolflike as I've shown her, or a canine pegasus, or something like a gryphon. I do know she moved lightly, gracefully, beautifully... and alertly. Sharp-eared, sharp-eyed, she should have pinned me instantly! And that was the dream's point. False premises can trump the sharpest senses.
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