Sexual Dreams
Dreamed by Felicia, Simone and three others before 1994, as told by Gayle Delaney
Here are five short samples from Gayle Delaney's Sexual Dreams, 1994.
1: Lucid Cunnilingus
by Felicia
Gayle Delaney comments, "For nearly twenty years I have been listening to dreams like Felicia's above and calling it work!"I am in bed in my own room. I know my eyes are closed. Up and down my body I feel an electrical sort of sensation.
I say to myself, "Oh, he's back." I know I am going to have a sexual sensation like others I have had before. I look forward to it.
I know I am dreaming.
I am lying on my back. Soon I feel the sensation of cunnilingus. I do not see my lover, but I sense his presence. I feel as if I'm waking up. I tell myself that I'm going to stay asleep dreaming this. Again I start to wake. I say no, I'm going to finish this dream. Then I dream to orgasm.
When I awaken, the sensations are fresh in my mind and body.
2: Dolphin
by Anonymous #59
I was swimming with a dolphin in clear water. All I did was feel him rub along my belly and... well, you get the picture.
3: Brothel with Mom
by Anonymous #60
I went to a brothel with my mother and her best friend where we had intercourse with male prostifutes, one after the other. I was lost, and before my turn came I was in a corridor from which I could hear but not see. This was the most exciting part. I felt that my orgasms would be extremely intense since the men were "professionals," and since I was excited, and in a brothel with my mom.
4: Demoness
by a UCSC Undergrad
I had sex with a demoness. Extremely wild. Fire. Sweat. I felt like life was being sucked from my body and being replaced by fire. Ecstasy.(This dream is from a study by William Domhoff of dreams of UC Santa Cruz undergraduates about half the average age of first three dreamers.)
5: Turkey Vibrator
by Simone
The week after Simone with some embarrassment had bought and secretively experimented with a vibrator, she dreamt:
I had just had a fantastic orgasm with my new vibrator in my vagina. Now, standing up, I pull it out of myself, hold it up to show it. It looks like a turkey drumstick. I announce to whoever might care to hear that these things are wonderful, and very practical. I say that, like turkey, they are good for your health and can play an important role in any good diet. The whole scene struck me as very funny, and I was amazed at my lack of embarrassment or even self-consciousness.Simone... told some of her close friends about the dream... the humor of the dream helped Simone begin talking about sex in a much easier and more useful way both with her girlfriends and with her boyfriend.
SOURCE: Sexual Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1994 ed) pp. 13, 21, 25, 35, & 226, plus footnotes p.248.
Sexual Dreams has surprisingly few sexual dreams; most are as brief as the five above (and less imaginative). What the book's rich in is relationship-analysis dreams, warning of problems and proposing solutions symbolically, without much actual sex. Understandable! Delaney's a therapist; her clients have problems and want solutions. And more often than not, those problems aren't sexual but emotional, practical or political--fear, anger, sexism...
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