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Rusty Underworld

Dreamed 2023/9/23 by Wayan

I'm far underground in a huge, chill, dim cavern full of glass and steel skyscrapers. Built above ground, at some point they were either dropped somehow into this underworld or that arched ceiling was built far above.

Once down here, where the windows became useless for light, they got covered in reddish opaque slabs "for security". Red slates, or rusty steel plates? Some towers are hundreds of meters high; a few hit the cave ceiling. I hope the tallest penetrates aboveground--I want to return to the surface, and an express elevator in a ceiling-scraper might take me there. Even a stair would help. Exhausting, a half-mile climb, but at least a clear path out.

I'm ready to go. Memorable scene, but just gloom and businessmen down here, heading for work in their armored rusting towers. Businessmen with horns, fangs and barbed tails.

But they wear suits and Homburg hats, so we have to call them businessmen. Wouldn't want to look prejudiced, would we?

Cavern full of skyscrapers where business-demons work. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: caves - Hell - cities - towers - devils - capitalism - ecology - book-inspired dreams - pencil dream art - same night: Saucer through the Ruins

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