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Roya's Bird

Dreamed before 2002 by Roya

The following dream is a clear example of a visitation dream in which the dreamer encounters a powerful divine being. Roya is an acupuncturist. Her mother-in-law passed away after a long and painful illness. The last eight hours before she passed away was the most difficult period for her and for everyone around her. The second night after her passing, Roya had the following visitation dream:

I am standing outdoors. I look up and see a very large bird coming toward me. As the bird comes close to me, I see the face of my mother-in-law in the bird. She is smiling and looks very happy.

I ask my winged in-law, "But you were suffering so much and you were in so much pain. What happened?"

My mother-in-law smiles and replies, "But do you remember the pain of your birth?"

I tell her, "No", then the winged creature begins moving its wings with a great smile and disappears into the horizon.

Roya shared the dream in the family gathering the day after the dream occurred... there was a great sigh of relief in the room. This incredible dream allowed the family to let go of their attachments to the last moments of the suffering body of the deceased and to begin the natural mourning process. This dream was seen as a gift to the family to help them cope with the process of dying; also the dream confirmed the family's belief about the existence of the spirit world.

SOURCE: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de Carvalho, 2002, p.150.


I agree that this dream, making the classic analogy between the pain of death and that of birth, was "a gift to the family to help them cope with the process of dying." But did the gift come from Roya's mother-in-law, or from Roya? The dream-figure didn't volunteer any information the mother-in-law knew but Roya didn't; nor did Roya ask for any. Roya and family didn't want evidence of "the existence of the spirit world" but emotional comfort, and that's what they got.

And all they got.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: death - pain - revenants & visitations - angels & bird people - birth - memory & amnesia - in contrast, a dreamer tests her astral vision in Rochan's Dream - more evidenced-based examples of dream ESP - more Stanley Krippner

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