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Rochan's Dream

Dreamed c.1977 by Rochan, as told by Stanley Krippner

Rochan is a successful financial broker in NewYork. At age sixteen, she had an out-of-body dream experience that left a strong impression within her psyche about the realness of the dream world. She remembers falling asleep one afternoon while reading a magazine. She then dreamt the following:

I suddenly see my dream body next to my bed, but I can also see my "real" body in my bed. I realize that I must be dreaming. I look around the room and everything looks just the way my room looks in waking life, but the colors and textures are more intense.

Suddenly, I feel myself being lifted up to the ceiling. I look out through my bedroom window from high above my bed and I see a white car parked outside with a crunched brown bag lying in front of it. I look down and I can see my real body still in bed.

I suddenly become scared and begin screaming, but my voice will not come out. I think that maybe I can go back to my real body, so I slowly calm down and enter my real body again. I actually feel my dream body face entering my real body's face.

When Rochan awoke from this dream, she initially felt disoriented because she did not know what had happened to her. Her curiosity about her dream experience led her to walk outside her home to see if she would actually see what she had seen in her out-of-body dream.

She found a white car parked by her house with a crunched brown bag lying in front of it.

At age sixteen, Rochan was too frightened to share this experience with her parents, but now, at age forty, she claims that her initial out-of-body experience led her to numerous other extraordinary dreams, such as precognitive and telepathic dreams. These dream experiences have assisted her as she made significant life changes.


A lot of out-of-body experiences are subjectively powerful but unverified; but Rochan took the trouble to check her dream against reality. No wonder she trusts her sixth sense later in life! Don't mistake this for credulousness; she tested her vision, and found she'd seen through walls.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de Carvalho, 2002, pp. 48-9.

LISTS AND LINKS: dreams by kids & teens - bed - doubles - colors - lucid dreams - flying - out-of-body experiences - ESP - dream research - more Stanley Krippner

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