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Dreamed 1999/9/17 by Chris Wayan

Friends of mine are rehearsing a play. Two newcomers are running through the big love scene now: an actress who I sense is a bit insecure and hungry for approval, and an alien drama student, a vaguely wolfish creature, energetic, smart, sensitive, but earthier than a human--powerful instincts.

Purely aside from the interracial casting, the scene is considered shocking--even with two human actors, it always offends much of the audience. No telling what'll happen when these two get down to it.

I'm full of admiration: though they're playing with cordite, they block out the scene matter-of-factly, having fun with it, and even starting to flirt for real, despite their different instincts, disturbing material... and their expectation the audience will riot.


LISTS AND LINKS: theater dreams - aliens - wolves - flirting - assertiveness

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