Dreamed 1990/4/19 by Wayan
Franky Furbo; sketch by William Wharton |
Two months ago, I read Franky Furbo by William Wharton--a strange fable of a lost man who's lost because he's not a man but a fox--unaware. Until he meets his vixen.
That night, I dreamed of a fox-couple--not Franky and Raethe, a dysfunctional fox-couple. Each of them had admirable qualities, but their problems were serious ... and echoed my own. Estranged from my own body as well as from other people.
So I worked hard this winter in dance and acting classes--trust exercises, grounding exercises, trying to see myself true. Not the lies I was brutally taught.
Tonight I ask my dreams--how's my inner fox doing now?
I find out.
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