Ra Cats
A cat-scratched image, 2002, by Chris Wayan
This one's not a dream. A friend gave me an old meat-cutting board, with a sunken channel and an oval pooling-place for blood. As a vegetarian I just couldn't use it for food. Kept thinking of meat and killing when I looked at it; reverting to carnivorism.
So I tried to be a cat person, an obligatory carnivore. I clawed that cutting board. My body's claws weren't tough enough, so I gouged the wood with a sharp, hard pencil. I drew three of us... Then I rubbed extra graphite in the scratches, washed the surface clean, and watercolored the wood.The image just came, probably suggested by that oval blood-basin--it looked sunlike. From sungod to Ra to Egypt to cats...
Later I tried a digital sketch. I like the figures, though the image lacks the grit of that Board of Blood.
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