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Dreamed c.1893 by J.S.

I dreamt when I was a child that two boys about eight to fourteen years old, one of them four feet high, and the other five feet high, coaxed me to play with them.

I consented and they then took me towards a big hill.

Then one of them said, "Let's go into my house."

I went in. There was very little room. Whenever these boys laughed, they laughed in a very funny way. I stayed inside with them for quite a while and then I decided to come out.

They said to me, "Now, remember, whenever you want to go and play somewhere just let us know and we'll go with you."

I went out of the hole inside of the hill. Then as I looked back I saw that the places I had left were really graves.

These people were dead people.


An old man told me that this dream of mine was an old time dream. He said, "Spirits have come to you, you will be a scout and will have the power of being invisible. If you think of these spirits no one will be able to see you when you are on the warpath."

And you know, Paul, he was right. I really have this power and I have frequently thought of my dream.

SOURCE: The Dream in Primitive Cultures edited by Jackson Lincoln, 1935, p 288 in 1970 reprint. Primary source: interviews of Ottawa Indians in 1927; unpub. field notes by Paul Radin. J.S. was then 45.

LISTS AND LINKS: kids' dreams - friends - play - underground - kids in dreams - well, revenants or spirits - gifts - ignorability & invisibility - Native American dreams - more J.S.: Longevity Road, Graves & My Mother and I

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