Dreamed 1999/5/20 by Chris Wayan
I'm at a party. I desperately need to pee. Search for the bathroom in pain. Find it but the door won't close all the way. Normally I'd sit and relax, but since it's not private, I stand in front of the toilet, hiding it from the doorway, and pull out my penis and try to piss. But I can't. The lack of privacy does inhibit me, but that's not the main reason: I have an erection so hard and tight it's physically impossible to piss! Yet I didn't even notice before! No sexy thoughts, no idea who turned me on... weird.
Finally I force a little liquid out, but it doesn't relieve me much. But that's not surprising--it isn't urine, it's distilled emotion! Old traumatic feelings I'm getting out at last!
More than old feelings. I'm pissing old memories.
I wonder if the same is true for the sperm--is it really memories of sex, sex-traumas?
Two streams of old trauma competing to get out at last... blocking each other so neither one is freed!
I wake up feeling like I've been handed an urgent message.
Though, if I have to have dreams about bodily fluids, why not just specimen bottles? With nice neat labels, so I'd know what the hell is blocking what?
But when I wrote down the dream, I did know. Both were obvious.
Patience...try to choose one to focus on. Now at least I know it's not sabotage, just two terrible needs... deadlocked.
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