Palm Dream
Dreamed 1984 or before by Skip Renker
After lifeline and heartline,
after what I carried in and where I am, she brings me to the edge of the palm, down along the moon. "Look up," she says, "over
she says, and I trust
I try to shout but I've lost
This could be read as a simple nightmare in which things get worse and worse by degrees until all choices are impossible or fatal; but I see something else here. If Renker trusted this palmist's reading enough to climb the latter she advises, why not trust this final long-distance reading of his palm too? Maybe he CAN grow wings. She apparently sees the potential.
I often urge dreamworkers, especially novices, not to bother with lucid dreaming; but going lucid here would solve Renker's problem. Or would it? Maybe the dream's point isn't whether he climbs or falls, or even if he lives or dies, but if he trusts his anima, his reader. She sees latent wings. Does he believe her?
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (v.4, no.1, 1984, p.25)
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