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On the Seashore

Dreamed between 1998 and 2002 by Gabrielle Bell
Gabrielle's website at Drawn and Quarterly:

Black and white comic of a dream by Gabrielle Bell titled ON THE SEASHORE. Page 1: Gabrielle dreams she's on a Mexican beach with a baby. The responsibility overwhelms her.
Black and white comic of a dream by Gabrielle Bell titled ON THE SEASHORE. Page 2: Gabrielle takes a shower. Two boys try to join her; she rejects them.
Black and white comic of a dream by Gabrielle Bell titled ON THE SEASHORE. Page 3: Gabrielle relaxes and dances with two boys in the shower.
Black and white comic of a dream by Gabrielle Bell titled ON THE SEASHORE. Page 4: Gabrielle slowly realizes she's dreaming and wakes in relief that she doesn't have a baby.

This dream-story is from When I'm Old, and Other Stories, by Gabrielle Bell, 2002. When I'm Old collects her "Book of" series of self-published mini-comics, including "The Book of Sleep." Still haven't found a copy of that, sigh! But I can recommend Old. Though most of it's nondream, it's so bizarre it might as well all-dream. Her recent story "Cody", published in Kramer's Ergot and Best American Comics 2013, was also dream-inspired.

Story and art © Gabrielle Bell 2002-2003.

LISTS AND LINKS: at the beach - babies - moms & motherhood - parenting - lack of control - duty & responsibility - flirting - dancing - letting go - Mexico - lucid dreams - free! - dream comix - dreams in ink

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