Non Omnis Moriar
Dreamed Dec. 2012 by Carole Lindberg
I dreamt this around December of 2012. It apparently was inspired by the world-wide discussion about the end of the world and the Mayan Calendar. In my dream, I have just discovered that the world is going to end. There are sounds of rock breaking up, water and chasms opening up around me. A sense of a volcano erupting. I see refugees trudging in the mud, carrying their belongings on their backs.
I realize that my days are numbered. I am thinking that I better get dressed to go. I can't find anything appropriate to wear however. All of my clothes are like cocktail dresses or made of satin or some such dressy material. I am trying on outfit after outfit in desperation to leave and save myself, but also realize that I must wear something practical for my remaining days on earth.
SOURCE: the International Association for the Study of Dreams ( Psiber Art Gallery archive for 2013.
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