My Ritual Beheading
Dreamed l996/3/24 by Jenny Badger Sultan
A line of people is about to be ritually executed. It seems to be a religious rite--Buddhist (Nepalese, Tibetan perhaps?) I see it happen to one after another in the row.
A group of monks or religious people, in robes, stop in front of the person. One of them paints a black arc at the joining of the neck and shoulders. Then another person, from behind, I think, puts an arm around the person's head, covering the eyes and holding the head still. Then, with a sword of some kind, the head is cut off. I believe that there is chanting or some kind of verbal part as well.
I keep waiting. The arm does not come.
I wake up.
--Jenny Badger Sultan
I have two simultaneous, contradictory reactions to this dream.
--Chris Wayan
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