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Mutism's Penumbra

Dreamed 2019/9/9 by Wayan

I'm in a world full of wizards. But lately, some have gone silent. They still have their powers, but muteness limits the social uses of their power surprisingly; a tool or weapon isn't worth much if you won't negotiate or even say what you want. The mutes amuse themselves, and save lives in emergencies, but not much more. I hadn't realized how much of magic's use, in this world where it's mainstream and industrial-scale, is essentially political--requiring negotiation.

And no, the mute magicians don't try work-arounds like writing notes--they just stop communicating, even with each other. As if they didn't forget speech so much as that communication is possible. Not desirable; my research clearly shows it's no cult of elective mutism. Nor is it any recognizable disease. My best guess is, it's a spell, one that's mildly communicable--especially to those already devaluing communication. Diagram of umbra (full eclipse) and surrounding penumbra (partial eclipse). Dream sketch by Wayan.

Who did it and why? So far, no obvious answer.

Strange. The spread of the curse is slow and steady. And it shouldn't be! These are wizards; curious tinkerers, even those that retreat into isolation. Someone should suspect what I do, discover what I did, and fight the spell. Or at least warn of it before going fully under!

No. Universal indifference. This spell casts more than a shadow of mutism, an umbra--there's a penumbra round it. Even in those not muted, it dulls curiosity! People just accept mutism as a given--a fact of modern life.

But it's not. It's a spell. And spreading. But warnings can spread too--and I warn you.



Now, in fall 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic, this nightmare about a plague downplayed or just ignored, especially by politicians, looks unpleasantly predictive.

LISTS AND LINKS: other worlds - alternate Earths - magic & mages - spells & curses - language & communication - blindness & denial - loneliness versus dropping out - chronic illness - Trump, politics, capitalism & healthcare - Covid - truth & lies - predictive dreams

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