Cover of a chapbook of dreams of money and financial advice, by Chris Wayan 1997
Over the years, I've recorded my dreams on disk, and happened (mostly to help me analyze them) to include codes for their basic theme. One day, almost idly, I ran a search for all the dreams with two codes together: money, and advice. This book with about 30 dreams resulted. In a real sense, it was written by a dreaming brain, and edited by a machine. Given that, it's interesting how consistent it is--there's a growing clarity over the years, even some psychic dreams predicting the stock market and economy... whatever it took to keep me solvent without working too much, so I could focus on my art... and spirit.
This overall pattern was obscure to me at first, but it eventually became undeniable. My dreams didn't give a damn about maximizing wealth, but they weren't indifferent to it at all: they wanted to assure me just enough money so I could ignore money!
Twenty years later FINALLY built a list of financial-advice dreams on the World Dream Bank, containing the longer and more interesting of these dreams.
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