Mermaid versus Trump
Dreamed 2020/1/7 by Wayan
Agents of President Trump have surrounded and trapped a mermaid in waist-deep water. Slowly they tighten their ring. She slashes with teeth and claws; they jab at her with knives. Human supremacists themselves, these thugs don't expect any humans to sympathize with her, not them, so they hardly glance at me as I wade up to their circle... and jump one of them from behind, breaking the ring, and yell "go, go, GO!" To my surprise she grabs me and drags me along with her.
She asks "Why'd you help me?" Wary. Has a flat face, slit nostrils, fin-ears. Weird-looking to humans, so she assumed we'd ALL be hostile--attack the different.
I say "Most humans would help. That was political back there! Those guys weren't bigots--they're paid thugs! They had direct orders from a nasty politican called Trump--they wanted to torture you to get info on your people--though I don't know why."
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