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Mer-Cult, or, Party On!

Dreamed 2022/6/30 by Wayan

A crowd of pseudo-sophisticates, gin
smooth. Tuxed, tall, a cult agog
for an odd guru dubbed Mer-Saint, in
her wallow-pond daylong.

Spangled mermaid tail. That real?
Gold skin, rose scales, a lovely waste:
slit nose, fishlips, a sea-bass jaw & eel
hair round beady eyes: ape-faced.

Her aura's doltish. Pouts depressed,
yet they post endless clips of her. I bet
they win near-zero converts--so inept!
For she won't teach. Just rests & nests

      in her puddletub,
      sure she's the best.
      Why not? She's got
      those breasts.

tuxedoed drinkers surround an ugly mermaid in a puddle. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: cults - mermaids - beauty & ugliness - nudity & exhibitionism - breasts - booze & drugs - dream poems & digital art - a few months earlier, Wayan's sister Althea dreamed of water, breasts & clickbait, in: Hummingbird Meme

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