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Dreamed 2005/6/3 by Wayan. Small screen/slow connection? Illustrated text & dream notes


I'm reading Marjane Satriapi's "Persepolis" books. She grows up during Khomeini's Iran. Never fits in. She escapes to Europe, but nearly dies on the streets there before she finds her path...

All day, Marjane's harrowing journey blends in my brain with the news: the nut-case presidents of Iran and the US trading threats! Will it be war?


'Marjane', a dream where I'm cartoonist Marjane Satrapi; three-page watercolor comic by Wayan.
'Marjane', a dream where I'm cartoonist Marjane Satrapi; three-page watercolor comic by Wayan.
'Marjane', a dream where I'm cartoonist Marjane Satrapi; three-page watercolor comic by Wayan.


So what was the dream warning me of? Well, I've had a virus that keeps flaring up. I get tired, lose my "drive"... when I go along with others, as Marjane Me did in the dream. But I get my energy back when I do exactly as I please!

Pretty Zen virus, huh?


I just went by the shooting-site in the dream. That giant historic cubist mural was supposed to be restored. But instead of removing the paint as city law requires, the new owner has defiantly painted a second layer over it--paint the dull red of dried blood!

Well, I guess that puts a second bullet in that mural's head. Articide in broad daylight--and it looks like he's getting away with it.


Online I found mentions of this mural but not a photo; the watercolor above was just my hazy impression of it. Recently I found a photo of "Lilli Ann" in Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo (2009). I was startled how I'd gotten the colors about right but the shapes all wrong. Curious how a tiny songbird in the upper left of the abstract original grew to dominate my memory!
Abstract mural 'Lilli Ann', by Chuy Campusano. Click to enlarge. Songbird; detail of mural 'Lilli Ann', by Chuy Campusano.

LISTS AND LINKS: the future - Iran - lions - school - lost opportunities - dating - lesbian life - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - cross-gender dreams - romantic advice - individualism vs conformity - violence - guns - heads - death - trance - out-of-body experiences - predictive dreams - arts and artists - Only in San Francisco - watercolor

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