The Man with the Snake
Dreamed 2002/9/3 by Jenny Badger Sultan
I am in a desert. A man and I are having a contest; we're seeing who can first accomplish a certain feat. Right now we are in the waiting phase, before acting. I am looking around, planning what I might do. I see roundish rocks at intervals among low scrub and I think "I could jump from one rock to another."
He is collecting pieces of wood and arranging them in a circular pile. I think he has a dark snake around his neck.
Then comes the signal "Go!"--to begin the feat. He takes a metal weapon and brings it down on his pile of wood, scattering all the pieces.
"There," he says, "I've won the contest"--in just that brief time! I don't think this is fair, since he used the waiting time to make actual physical preparations, and he used a metal weapon.
I call to him--
"Man with the snake,On the ground I see his snake join with more snakes, more and more. The snakes are gathering together in some kind of a radial or circular configuration.
man with the snake,
that is unfair."
--Jenny Badger Sultan
So Lulu keeps barging in over and over, getting Jenny so worried for Lulu's safety she forgets all about a shamanic duel straight out of Castaneda! Funny. "Called on account of rain" I can understand, but "called on account of cat"?
And maybe that's the point of the dream. Whatever Lulu means here--animal sense?--she pulls Jenny off a mental plane focused on competition and (un)fairness, back to a more direct physical/health awareness.
Because dueling a brujo who cheats can really tire you out.
--Chris Wayan
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