The Man who Taught Blake Painting in his Dreams
Recurring dreams, before 1819, by William Blake
William Blake... had recurring dreams of a supernatural art instructor with a third eye in his forehead. The instructor presented the dreaming Blake with images to paint and advised him on technique. Awake, Blake made numerous oil colors of the recommended scenes. He sketched his teacher in the straightforwardly titled Man Who Instructed Blake in Painting in his Dreams, 1819.
I'm a little wary here. He doesn't look to me like he has a third eye on his forehead. More like a dinky rosebush... And Barrett doesn't cite her source, and nearby pages have minor errors--dates, titles, biographical details. On the other hand, the piece and its (approximate) title and (approximate) date are certainly real; for decades this drawing's popped up in any search including "Blake" and "dreams". I just doubt Barrett's details. If and when I find her source, I'll add it.
--Chris Wayan
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