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by Chris Wayan, 2006

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GAIILA CLUSTER, 20 N-25 S, 240-300 E
An equatorial cluster containing six large lands: Gaiila (3/4 the size of Australia), Equatoria, Tyrlan , Carnoi, Quetlan and Tau. The group totals ten million sq km (4 million sq mi), larger than Europe; over half that is Gaiila. (Source: People of the Wind)
GAIILA, 1 N-17 S, 279-292 E
Gaiila is the core of the equatorial Gaiila Cluster, south of Oronesia. It's 3/4 the size of Australia--a winding north-south strip of tropical land 4800 km (3000 mi) long. The climate's surprisingly varied: from rainforest in the north to Mediterranean groves, savanna and deserts in the south, with cloudforests and alpine meadows in the highlands. (Source: People of the Wind)
Gantok, 72-73 S, 106-112 E
One of the Borthu Islands in the far south seas. A cold, windswept tangle of ridges and fjords, 240 km/150 mi across. Low forest grows in the valleys, but exposed slopes are grassy. It snows here most winters--rare on Lyr at sea level. (Source: Margin of Profit)
Cape Ganturath, Mt Ganturath, 5 S, 146 E
Northern tip of the Wersgorix mainland (east end of the Polesotechnic Strip); a rounded peninsula 250 km across (160 mi) sticking into Uloz Bay. The cape's solid rainforest except on Mt Ganturath, a steep volcanic cone rising above the clouds to 3600 m (11,900').
(Source: The High Crusade)
Garm, 52 N, 37 E
One of the largest Shielding Islands in the Ythri Region northeast of Corona. Garm's the size of Utah, and is equally dry, with cool, windy steppes on its eastern slopes, sparse forests and alpine meadows around Mount Garm (3000 m/10,000') and true desert on the west coast--rarely hot and never freezing, but quite dry. The Garm Desert's caused by a high-pressure zone of cool, dry, descending air--much as in Earth's polar desert, but far warmer. (Source: The Broken Sword)
Mt Garstang, 8 S, 57 E
Highest peak in southern Dzua, in the Kraoka Islands (Polesotechnic Strip). Mt Garstang's 3100 meters (10,200') high. Lyr's orbital eccentricity makes even the equator undergo a mild winter; snow occasionally dusts the summit, though it melts in summer. The seasonal cycle mitigates the alpine deserts found on Terran tropical volcanoes; temperate-looking alpine meadows cover Garstang's heights like a flowered quilt. Lower down is cloud forest, and dense, warm jungle covers its feet. (Source: A Sun Invisible)
Gerd Mts, 23-30 N, 89 E
A range 3 km (2 mi) high running 1800 km (1200 mi) south from central Troisleons to Cape Papillon, its southern tip.The east slopes are green, while the drier western slopes are cut by short, steep, spectacular canyons. (Source: Three Hearts and Three Lions)
Mt Gerunis, 3 N, 213 E
A steep volcanic cone on Driss, east of Lannach (Diomedes region). Gerunis is 4200 m high (13,800'); its twin to the north, Memnis, is even higher. The whole Driss chain rises sharply from deep water; were the range on land, it'd be spectacular, with scarps up to 2 km (6600') high. (Source: The Man Who Counts)
Gilrigor Plateau, Mt Gilrigor, 18 S, 83-85 E
A tropical highland 5-600 km wide, studded with lakes, in central Larsum, below Mt Rebo. (Source: Three-Cornered Wheel)
Gloria R., 47-51 N, 192 E
The river draining all of Southern Roland, 1400 km (900 miles) long. Most of its branches rise in the Palisade Mountains; the lower river cuts a rugged canyon through lava flows from Mt Haustein. The whole basin's temperate forest, with strong seasons but winters rarely cold enough for snow. (Source: The Queen of Air and Darkness)
Gneiss Range, 41-48 S, 211-225 E
The spine of Ak'hai'i (south of the Diomedes region), the Gneiss Range runs 2400 km (1500 mi) up the east coast; major peaks like Mts Nadia, Henge and Thunder approach 4000 m (13,000'). (Source: Strangers)
Golden Bay, 34-35 S, 0 E
A roughly rectangular bay 800 km by 500 (500 by 300 mi), on the south coast of Starkad, in the Flandry group. Sheltered by Cape Dragoika, these are rich waters--the Ujanka River dumps megatons of silt into the bay, and ash from Mt Dragoika replenishes the rain-leached soil. Also, the weather is wet but less torrential than most of Starkad--boxed in by coastal hills, Golden Bay isn't just named for its water, but for its relative sunniness.(Source: Ensign Flandry)
Cape Gora , 63 N, 74 E
Eastern tip of Trollheim, in Scania north of Troisleons. A chill, windy, crooked finger 500 km (320 mi) long, with rugged sea-cliffs and few trees. (Source: The Broken Sword)
Lake Gora, Gora R., 61 N, 71-73 E
Largest lake on Trollheim in Scania, north of Troisleons. Gora's 240 km across (150 mi). The east-flowing Gora River is 700 km (450 mi) long; the Gora lowland's the only fertile region on Trollheim. (Source: The Broken Sword)
Mt Gratch , 3 S, 143 E
Highest point on Branithar, the isolated north end of Wersgorix (eastern Polesotechnic Strip). Gratch rises to 3600 m (11,900') near the west coast of the Branithar, though a long ridge of meadows and cloud-forests extends 300 km east. (Source: The High Crusade)
Gray Range 35-48 N, 12 E
A range 3000 km long on the west coast of Corona (in Ythri), rising abruptly from Falkayn Sound to peaks like Mt Tabitha and Mt Falkayn, over 4 km high (13,000'). (Source: People of the Wind)
Grib, 47-51 N, 97-101 E
A cool green island off northern Troisleons, 1000 km long and 600 wide (600 x 400 mi). Bigger than Britain, but drier and warmer--winters are cold but not freezing on the coasts, though snow caps volcanic Mt Elsinor (3100 m, 10,300'). It has an even larger sister to the south: Wold. (Source: Three Hearts and Three Lions)
Griffet River, Lake Griffet, 7-8 N, 30 E
The Griffet drains much of northern Cape Moru in southern Lokon (largest of the Fiery Islands south of Corona, in the Ythri region). The main branch flows north from its source in the Moru Mts down to Lake Griffet, an oval 45 km (25 mi) long, then another 150 km to Sairn Bay. The upper Griffet basin is a misty cloud-forest highland; below the lake it's hot rainforest.(Source: homeland of the small forest-canopy people called griffets)
The Grimoire Islands, 18-32 S, 284-297 E
A chain of Mediterranean islands 4000 km long, south of Gaiila. The three large northern isles, Amrtet, Algar and Algastna, lie in a drybelt (a high-pressure zone); their east coasts and highlands have some trees and look quite Mediterranean, but the west coasts (downwind of the rain-stealing highlands) are dry veldt, shading into desert. The smaller southern islets are forested; they form the only flyway to the Flandry Region. (Source: A Midsummer Tempest)
Cape Grimmins, 36 N, 78 E
The western tip of Troisleons. A rugged peninsula 1600 km long (1000 mi), Grimmins is the tail end of the Tarnberg Range. Mild in climate, the cape is heavily forested. (Source: Three Hearts and Three Lions)
Gui, 59 N, 97 E
Westernmost of the Three Orfevres, northeast of Troisleons; a flyway east to Roland. Gui is a shield volcano 2400 m (8000') high, forming an oval island 450 km (280 mi) long, cool and windy, with wooded valleys and bare grassy uplands.. (Source: Three Hearts and Three Lions)
Gujgengi Islands, 13 S, 114 E
A long, twisting island chain off Cape Stepha in Ikrananka. The largest, Gujgengi proper, is a shield volcano 270 km (170 mi) wide--four times the area of Hawaii. Hardly a pimple, on Lyr! It's mostly warm, wooded lowlands with gentle slopes; Gujgengi's summit is barely over 2000 m (6600'). The lesser Gujgengis wind 3200 km (2000 mi) southeast, leading to Ulash and Wersgorix. The chain has large banks and lagoons; four of the atolls are over 160 km long (100 mi), though all are low and narrow. They're important, though: the only flyway linking the eastern and western halves of the Polesotechnic Strip. (Source: The Trouble Twisters)
Mt Gundra, 18 S, 108 E
Summit of the Sundhadarta Range in southern Ikrananka, Gundra is a spectacular Fuji-like cone 4100 m (13,500') high. Its east slopes are open woods; the western, bare red desert canyons; the desert softens to African veldt near the coast. (Source: The Trouble Twisters)
Guntra Bay, 4-6 S, 193-195 E
A bay (almost an inland sea) 600 km wide, on the east coast of Kilnu (Diomedes region). The lowlands around the bay, on Cape Dwarn and the Hunlu Peninsula, are dense rainforest. (Source: The Man Who Counts)
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Map of Lyr, a world-building experiment. Click a feature to go there.

Gazetteer: index of places, with descriptions. Or...

TOUR LYR! Climb volcanoes, swim seas, meet weird creatures. First: survival tips! Then, pick a region:
Ythri -- Polesotechnic Chain -- Troisleons -- Roland -- Oronesia -- Gaiila -- Flandry -- Diomedes -- Ak'hai'i -- Averorn

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