Lord of the Underworld
Dreamed 1989/2/11 by Wayan
I'm part of an expedition into the Underworld. In a shadowy canyon, a low cave-mouth. Dark floors of rusting high-tech gear. A friend and I scout ahead. We navigate by numbers, inertial compasses. Find a stream. Down many floors, till our tools fade and fail. Have to rely on fire now for light, and our senses for navigation.
A long journey down--I start crawling in the stream, imitating the native water-lizards or dragons. Eventually this starts feeling natural. Am I adapting? Meet two scaly females, quasi human, quasi dragon. I can't be sure what they're like under the dark and rippling water. Except that they're local demigods, so we're reaching the fringe of the true Underworld.
Over the lip of a small waterfall. Or a weir, built for a purpose? Slide over and under the girls. I have a crocodilian tail, now.
Reach a big pool at the bottom. The Lord of the Underworld lives here! Court of scaly demigods, part human, part cave-fish, part dragon. Rest here, in biogenerated light, pale green and blue.
I have to lift my head from the pool where I'm twined with my two cool, slippery, teasing girls, and tell my old friends the obvious.
But then, scaly as I am... do they recognize even me?
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