Lizard or Wizard?
Dreamed 2021/2/10 by Wayan
Recently I got my first Covid shot, and reacted badly. Yesterday was awful; just achy and tired today.
My friend Mark calls. He's sick--probably Covid as his housemate tested positive. Recovering already--sounds no worse than my reaction to the shot.
I read Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar; a fantasy based on Indian myth. Sheetal's dad is human, but mom's a star (no, not a celebrity; a star). As she matures her star side manifests abruptly, seriously burning her mortal dad. Half-star blood can't heal him, but pureblooded stars could. So she heads to the celestial court. Her mom's stellar family promises to heal him--IF she wins a contest. Man, Indian families really do blackmail their kids. But her extortionist grandma hardly stands out. In the star-court, fullblooded humans AND stars both sneer at halfie Sheetal. Nasty, petty...
Ugh. I recognize the clan pattern from Joseph Henrich's The Weirdest People In The World, a book arguing a lot of the world's political woes come from family structure not formal politics. Big strong families sound like a good thing, but they often subvert the interests of both individuals and nations. Sounds weird, but he's got hard evidence for it; and it has policy consequences.
See a nature show on Big Bend National Park. Desert--life in the cracks. Then off to Europe where lynxes & wolves are being reintroduced. I'd rather watch these hopeful things than hear about the Senate letting Trump off the hook again for his actions in the Capitol riot.
I'm in a town in a round valley--Drain, Oregon, I think. Someone--some idiot with more magical power than sense--breaks a seal, freeing a deadly old spell. It attracts every spider for 100 km (over 60 mi), straight for downtown.
And here in the magic world, spiders grow big as cars.
I'm arachnophobic.
I run. Parks, streets. Spiders. Already! Huge, small, timid, aggressive... venomous. I'll be lucky to survive running the gauntlet. A lot of folks will die. Those who get out in time will be homeless; the town will be unlivable, maybe forever. Unclear if the curse can ever be broken. The ancients sealed away that curse exactly because they couldn't break it.
I get as far as the suburbs. Hide in an unlocked apartment in a side alley on a wooded slope. No spiders inside--yet. But when the owner comes home she's understandably upset to find me. She hasn't heard about spiders yet. Am I a burglar, a rapist?
I find a grimoire... but it doesn't have a counterspell. Instead... the book itself repels spiders! I can travel safely with it back to the civic center and... cause a second wave of spiders going out not in? To minimize casualties, I better plan my moves! Go in at night, maybe?
A second problem with using the grimoire to reverse the spider catastrophe: my professors. They're wizards, and I suspect one may have gone bad and set up the arachnocalypse. Even those who didn't may covet the book and misuse it. I must study it to figure out the effect, yet hide it as I travel; not easy.
As I scuttle across campus on back paths with the book, I hear two wizards arguing ahead.
I scramble onto a stone birdbath with a broad lip--an old fountain, now dry except after a rain--and sprawl on the sunny stone, a lizard warming up.
Literally. I'm now a lizard, a meter long. I'm the first in my lizard family to go to college. I don't stand out too much; our community college is proud of its diversity program.
Anyway, I sun like a good little lizard, and spread (and pretend to read) my OTHER textbooks, hiding the spider-repelling grimoire beneath. My official textbooks are all People magazines--since I'm here to get a BA in Celebrities. My guidance counselor advised me "be realistic, don't aim too high." Since I'm just a lizard.
Sigh! Community college...
The professors--Gandalf and Saruman--pass me by. Too busy arguing whether to back the Dark Lord or not.
Sigh! Community college...
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