Box of Dreams:
Little Brown Rabbits in the Meadow
Dreamed 2009/3/20 by Jenny Badger Sultan
We visit a friend. Her home is ramshackle, with trees growing right through the walls, in and out. But she invites us to see the glorious view out the window...
--Jenny Badger Sultan
Jenny takes it for granted above that most readers will understand the traditional association of the equinox, Easter, fertility, and rabbits.
Also, remember that in the spring of 2009, after the endless political winter of George W. Bush, a lot of us in America, Christian or not, were thinking of new life and growth.
I also see a visual tip o' the hat here to some of the ukiyo-e artists, particularly Hiroshige; these sunlit rabbits have that rounded calm of Hiroshige's moonlit foxes.
--Chris Wayan
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