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The Leopard's Turn

Dreamed between 1990 and '98 by a Brazilian woman

In Krippner's cross-cultural collection of 1,666 dreams [1990-1998], there were 10 dreams within dreams; all six countries were represented. A Brazilian woman reported:
I dream that I see an Indian man who is running. He has a knife in his hand, and is being chased by a leopard. I watch him fight with the leopard and I am frightened. But then I stop being a witness and become the Indian in the exact moment that the leopard jumps on him.

I think I wake up and recall the dream, but actually I am still in the dream. But this time I am the leopard, and I attack the Indian!


I frequently have dreams in which I'm someone else, and not necessarily a human someone; but switching inside the dream is less common. False waking seems a sensible way to manage the transition, but my dreams often don't bother--I just shift. You?

Anyway, this short dream inspired a new list: I Transform! Narrower than I'm Just Not Myself Today!, in which you're someone (or something) else, but may stick with that role all through the dream.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de Carvalho, 2002, pp. Primary source: that study of 1,666 dreams is unpublished, as far as I know; just an article, "Exotic Dreams: A Cross-Cultural Survey" in Dreaming 11 (2001), p.73-82.

LISTS AND LINKS: hunted! - knives - violence - big cats - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - I Transform! - species-bent dreams - Henry James, hunted in a dream, manages (without transforming!) a Turnabout - Brazil - shamanic dreams - more Stanley Krippner

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