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Lamest Car Chase Ever

Dreamed 2023/10/2 by Wayan

I'm walking the hills of San Francisco--old homes, steep, narrow, snaky streets. Telegraph, Nob or Russian Hill? Ahead, traffic's blocked--not that it takes much, with just a single working lane. One car tries to get round the clog by creeping up onto the broad sidewalk, but it does no good--it's blocked too. A woman's trying to coax a reluctant horse up the walk. Tug-of-war. She's winning--the black mare's not really fighting, just wants to express her irritation at being force-marched up such a steep hill. But the car driver following them doesn't want a fender or window kicked in, and lags well back, out of range. Stop-start. We average barely a mile an hour.

A dinky copcar, small as a golf cart, flashes lights and sounds its siren. Wrenches up onto the sidewalk chasing the woman, mare, car and me. At a mile an hour! San Francisco has a long tradition of stupid car chases over the hills, but this has to be the lamest ever.

I lose patience and step into the street. Squeeze between the honking jam and the parked cars. Get ahead of the tug-of-war, slip back to the sidewalk, and round a corner.

Free! But tired. And only halfway up the hill. I feel overwhelmed by the climb, car horns and sirens (that toy copcar is as loudmouthed as a real one).

So... I picture myself as a large furry creature curling protectively round my overwhelmed self, who naps on the walk in that furry nest. My image solidifies, becomes real--I've split into guardian and guarded, awake and asleep!

But it's no use. I left the jam, but it creeps up to the corner, and that slow-mo cop peels out of the parade and comes over to me, lights flashing. A fat cop leans out and hassles me about blocking the sidewalk. Me? People walk right by me. He's the one blocking the sidewalk!

Cop in tiny car 'chases' woman tugging a reluctant horse. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

But he won't let me be. Looks like I'll have to reunite and plod home.

No rest for the weary on the hills of San Francisco!

NOTES IN THE MORNING Tired, I split: become a big creature curled protectively round human me. Detail of dream sketch by Wayan.


I had a second dream that night--Bank Rigged to Fail. I found myself working in a bank where only one staffer could disburse cash. We couldn't do our jobs! Endless waits, furious customers.

That one was predictive: next day, I found I was locked out of my own savings. They were in a brokerage that a megabank recently swallowed. It 'improved' cyber security--a bit too much. Protected my money from... me. And they'd fired half the staff, so I couldn't reach a human... the financial jam lasted weeks.

Notice how the dreams differ in imagery but share a theme? The cop harasses me; the bank's policy punishes customers. Both dreams anticipate what I'd face later that day: a bank I never chose installed a security system freezing my money! Both dreams are predictive; Slow Car Chase is just less direct a warning--the woman, the mare, the guardian creature, and the napper embody my impatience, reluctance, vigilance, and exhaustion. Warning not of the event, but the stress--and my conflicting responses.

In shamanic work, dreams can warn about future events. But emotions are events too. And literalism's not the only way to address them.

Car Chase: Only in San Francisco - ascent - cars - fast & slow - frustration dreams - cops - surreal dreams - size matters! - Silky, my anima - horses - resistance & sabotage - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - I transform - transformation in general - species-bent dreams - alter egos - weird dream beings - animal people - wolves? - guardians - fatigue & rest - weird dream humor - digital dream art
In Context: same dreamer same night: Bank Rigged to Fail - warning dreams - ESP in general - way back in 1963, JB Priestley addressed predictive emotions in FIP

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