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Dreamed and drawn 1986 by Ann McCoy after seeing a temple of Isis in Pompeii

I am with a group of archaeologists working on the restoration of the temple site. I tell the workers how important this work is and how we must care for the temple once it is completed. My guide around the temple precinct is a draped woman whose veil hides her face.

As we speak, she bends down and lifts her skirt to expose her legs, which are covered in fish scales--rainbow colored,like those of tropical fish. I find myself more fascinated than repelled. Now she is moving ahead of me. She turns her head, and I realize that on her neck are gill slits. Fins protrude from behind her ears.

As the fish goddess and I speak, a procession, led by a radiant child, entered the temenos. On the temple ground are large vials containing fetuses in different stages of development.

'Kore', 1986, epic color-pencil dream-drawing by Ann McCoy. Click to enlarge.
In a catalog discussion, Ann states, "The fish goddess is a cold-blooded example of the feminine emerging from the sea...the goddess in my dream was the goddess in her earliest form..." The radiant little girl, arriving in a way reminiscent of Christ into Jerusalem, symbolizes to Ann "an annunciation of the return of the goddess."

SOURCE: Women Dreaming-into-Art: Seven Artists who Create from Dreams, by Patricia Ariadne, (2006, Galde Press), p. 120; drawing from cover.

LISTS AND LINKS: archeology - holy places - Wicca, pagans, and Goddess-worship - gods in general - mer-folk & fish - fetuses, pregnancy & birth - kids - pencil dream-art (yes, pencil!) - Jenny Badger Sultan's similar dream & painting: Radiant Light - gender - McCoy, Ann - more Women Dreaming-into-Art - Italy: Pompeii

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