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Kescia's Nested Dreams

Dreamed 2001 or before by Kescia, as told by Stanley Krippner

One of our students, Kescia, a computer programer, reported the following...
I see myself resting in my bed and feel a wave of passion engulf my being. I am alone and I begin to have a sexual fantasy. I see sensual bodies around me and feel the energy within me intensify.

I begin to masturbate and shortly following my climax I suddenly awaken. I feel very light and relaxed. Within moments, I find myself floating high in the air above my bed with a beautiful woman next to me. Still floating, we begin to caress one another and together we experience one of the most intense sexual encounters of my life.

We climax and I awake in my bed, alone with my inner thighs warm and wet.

...Kescia realized upon her actual awakening that she had suppressed sexual energy that needed to be released.

Having an intense sexual drive with an active imagination, Kescia's body often climaxes when she has erotic dreams. She believes that her erotic dreams allow her to express her sensuality and sexuality even when she is not in a sexual relationship.

SOURCE: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de Carvalho, 2002, p.79.


I don't find it a coincidence that Kescia's dreams here have a cluster of interesting traits--sex, flight, energy/auras, and false waking (nested dreams). Over half a century ago Ann Faraday argued that all these were linked to, and often precursors of, lucid dreaming. I've found this to be true for me too.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: bed - lucid dreams - flying - orgies & group sex - false waking & nested dreams - masturbation - lesbian sex - sex dreams in general - more Stanley Krippner

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