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Dreamed early 2000s?, illustrated summer 2013, by Lindsay Vanhove

Years ago I woke up from a false awakening in which I saw a big black bird sitting in my room. I woke up with a fever, thinking about the Celtic Goddess Morrighan, who's known to have a pet crow with her.

Some time later, when I walked in a specific street, I would always have these visions of me raising a bird. Another time I was at my dad's place and took a picture of a jackdaw family sitting in a tree. Again, I had to think of the Morrighan and included this in the comments of my online shared photograph.

May 2012. I go home and walk in that particular street where I had these visions. I see a baby jackdaw (these European birds belongs to the crow family) on the road which, I guess, just had a car accident. I try to grab her and her whole jackdaw family is flying above me, readying to attack. But they don't. I take her home and raise her. Her wing and tail were broken so the first weeks I had to keep her inside. When things got better, I gave her flying lessons and step by step she healed and became a very gorgeous bird.

I would have never guessed that, after all those years, the false awakening would become a precognitive dream... after all, I finally had a big black bird sitting in my bedroom. (When she was just a little chick, she would sleep on my lap when I was in my room)

Journal entry about a jackdaw named Jackie, by Lindsay Vanhove
Nowadays she's still with us. Flying outdoors, taking a bird bath on our garden table, teasing cats, coming home when she sees my car when I'm back from work. Autumn comes closer, days get colder... and she decides to stay longer at home. She has a big bird cage available with food and water, in case she prefers to sleep inside. Mostly she's outdoors, flying around, playing the cool bird of the neighborhood (really), sleeping in trees by night. At very warm days, she prefers to stay with us in the garden, getting hugs and cookies. When days are cold, she takes long naps in her cage in the living room until she had enough rest to leave again.

SOURCE: the International Association for the Study of Dreams ( Psiber Art Gallery archive for 2013.

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