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Jack in the Ditch

Dreamed 1944/6/6, 6/7 and 6/8 by Jack's Mother as reported to the Rhine Institute

One of the paratroopers of World War II who made the D-Day jump was a Pennsylvania boy named Jack. On two succeeding nights after the invasion his mother had vivid dreams about him, but on the third, one of these different, borderline experiences [i.e. a vision not clearly a dream].

In the first dream he was lying in a long ditch with other soldiers, and although trying hard to get out, did not succeed. The dream the second night was similar, except that all the boys but Jack seemed to be covered with blood. Jack seemed to be protected by the others. On the third night, she thought she wakened, sat up in bed and saw Jack smiling at her, telling her not to worry, because he was all right.

She told her husband of each experience and he made a record of the dates. They were notified that Jack was a prisoner in a German camp, but for a long time heard nothing from him directly.

Nine months later he came home. His father asked him about those nights of his mother's dreams. He said he had been hiding in a deep ditch, trying to keep from getting hit while the German planes were strafing them. He told about trying to get out when the planes were at a distance or flying away from the ditch. On the second night, while he and the others were in the ditch, most of the boys were killed or badly wounded from the strafing, others had found refuge in the ditch, and he was mostly on the bottom. On the third night, he escaped from the ditch and was taken prisoner with the rest.

--Louisa E. Rhine


Rhine's vast collection of ESP accounts falls mostly into two groups: calls to action, in which ESP (other than its baffling method of operation) functions like any other sense, providing useful warnings and guidance--not, of course, always heeded. This is a classic example of the other type: ESP when no real action is possible, but the ESP message is about a loved one. Jack's mom wanted urgently to know, and had no way of finding out. But she didn't let mere impossibility stop her.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Hidden Channels of the Mind by Louisa E. Rhine, 1961, p. 56-57. Account untitled, author's name witheld; I added title & byline to aid searching & indexing.

LISTS AND LINKS: telepathy - ESP in general - war - love - fear - loss of control - mothers & parenting - more Louisa Rhine - France, 1944

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