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Horned Man

Dreamed c.1962 by Stephen Jones

Horned man invades bedroom. Sketch by Wayan of Stephen Jones's childhood nightmare. Click to enlarge.

I was around eight or nine when I had this dream. I only had it once, and I didn't remember it again until a few years ago. It is the most frightening dream I've ever had:

I'm asleep in my bedroom in my parents' flat in London. It's late evening and there is a party going on. I awake abruptly in bed and I am lying on my side, staring at the closed door. Light from the hall leaks through the gaps between the door and the frame, and I can hear the muffled sound of adult conversation and laughter.

Suddenly the door swings open and the figure of a man is framed in the doorway, silhouetted by the glaring luminescence. His body is clothed in ragged tatters, and two huge horns or antlers crown his head.

As the tall shape stands on the threshold, a dozen or so adults gather behind him, gazing and gesticulating in my direction. With a shock I recognise my parents among the group of leering onlookers.

Then the figure moves swiftly towards me and I'm enveloped in darkness...

SOURCE: The Tiger Garden: A Book of Writers' Dreams by Nicholas Royle, 1996, p.122-3. I added sketch, and title to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: kids' dreams - false waking - bed - parties - weird dream beings - animal people - deer & elk - threats - parents - trust & betrayal - nightmares in general - digital art - more from The Tiger Garden - more antlered humans: Branching Woman & Magical Light

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