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Dreamed 2020/11/12 by Wayan

I talk with a heron in a marsh atop a tower. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

The silveregg tower makes me dizzy, but I
monkey the ladder. Humidity. In.
The tank cups a marsh of flowering green;
bay windows ring this womb in the sky.

Reedy pond. Great herons. Blue the view.
These waterbirds speak! They tell me how
they see our earth: "Road, field, stone--
an underworld of souls half-grown--

still flightless squawkers. To swoop below
may be a small death--or a hatching from
our nest-egg." Sigh! The pond's not my home:
my books'd rot. No tanks! Yet O

the fresh, to speak with sane creatures again
free of that stifling material plain.


Oval watertank atop a tower. Dream sketch by Wayan.

LISTS AND LINKS: towers & ascent - coasts, beaches & marshes - vats, tanks, cups, reservoirs - eggs & ovals - dream beings - animal people - birds - herons, cranes, storks, swans - house & home - the astral plane - perspective - politics - ecology & environmental protection - dream poems - pencil dream art - an epic dream inspired by my first reading of Dragonsbane: Diurnal & Nocturnal Gods

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