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Hell Chess, and Coming Causes Amnesia

Dreamed 1985/3/10 by Wayan; just two of TEN dreams that night.


On this Elysian field, let's play Hell Chess.
Pieces are life-size, with numbered vests,
like marathon runners--these red breast
digits mark rank. Strength? Who's best?

Number Zero: Claim-On-Faith. Yea,
that never had much heft for me.
Number One: the Pawn of Proof.
Too bad all I now trust as truth
is what I've lived. Too many public lies.

Number Two: the Thin Twin Goddesses.
Not slimmity corporeal but doubt.
And "twins"? Sextuplets, all one size,
shape--and meekness. Weak as pawns
in Chess Mundane. "Thin": sexist? I fear
their 'wee sleekit' name implies
women are tim'rous beasties; their
leaders will be male. But nay:

Three and Four share a sobriquet:
The Full Goddess Twins. Yet they
move unlike--knight-odd, rook-square.
What they share is confidence and power;
Twins who fully own their strength arcane.

Hell-Chess Five and Six are stronger still,
if abstract. Five I lost at dawn, but Six will
outclass even Alice's fierce Red Queen.
Empress of the Hellysian team,
opalescent essence. Her name:
Clouds Tinged With Colors.

But I never do play Hell Chess--the game
board becomes bed; begets a counter-dream.

 . Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


I'm in a flinty tale. It takes for granite
we all reincarnate. Reinstratanate.
Even continents recycle, float;
awareness is a still more buoyant plate.
Why then ever dread the Forger who
Vulcan-hammers you anew?

Then the dream careens into
sex-farce! Teenage lovers who
tell in turns our geomyth, get lured
off-tale from eons dinosaured,
tsunami-swept by lust--and then,
subducted, blocked and barred
as they lick clit and cock. Gets hard

to talk! She gets a grand idea, tries to tell
him around that jaw full. He can feel
she's inspired--but on eruption's verge,
lava-hot, he can't heed her yet. When
she says "Courage", that 'j' sound thrums
shiversweet until volcano comes.

Fire-plume ebbs, and he reaffirms
"I swear I'll listen--once my brain returns."

A crude dream-joke. But it conceals
a moral. Well, amoral. Thing.
I know (in dream) it means rebirth: our
selves convect, like every rock on Earth.
Why do our past lives melt? Well, coming
(coming here, incarnate birth!), that mesh
with flesh can overwhelm a billion years
of memory, our mantled hoard of souvenirs.
Diamonds from the deep. Our everything.

Lovers doing 69; the circulating energy's like convection in Earth's mantle. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.




Dream 1 shows reactions to abuse, from meek silence to speaking out. But it ends hinting at that beyond battle are "clouds tinged with colors". Dream 2 says I get overwhelmed by immediate body sensations, but under them lie deep memories of other bodies, other lives back through ages. Trailing clouds of Wordsworthian glory... You may not buy the metaphysics--dunno if I do, awake--but if I treat these dreams not as lone curios, but as a one-two punch, I'm pretty sure that's what they mean. Jung urged dreamworkers to see such cross-dream patterns. Capitalism teaches us to think short-term--the drug rush, the punchline, the orgasm. But dreams play long.

1: Hell Chess: games - Hell? - religion versus science - shyness, doubt & pessimism vs. courage - leaders - gender - clouds - colors - dream poetry & digital art
2: Coming Causes Amnesia: reincarnation - memory - oral sex & sex in general - dream humor - healing from abuse - dreams of Jamie - ink dream art - Ann Faraday

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