Heal the World
Dreamed 2011/8/17 by Wayan
I've acquired the power to sculpt people physically--not just proportions, but alter them internally. I can often heal diseases, and do--the percentage of walking wounded is astonishing! So many hide it or put a good face on.
But I can also redo a person's looks if they're unhappy with: body type, race, even gender. A surprising number want changes this deep, want to be someone else. In fact, a percent or two want species changes--want to be Star Trek aliens or furry fantasies.
One girl I meet has an ugly face--pinched from childhood malnourishment, with close-set beady eyes. I give her a face with bigger, wider-set eyes and strong feline cheekbones. She loves it, but says "Can I have more? I want fur to match. I want a tail! But not a skinny cat tail--I always pictured something bigger, bushy--like a wolf or fox. Or better yet, a lemur--those are prehensile, aren't they?"
B E F O R E | A F T E R |
I just didn't realize how many closet furs were out there!
As I heal and sculpt and fulfill strange dreams, I know I'm not just curing individuals, but seeding a renaissance! For the first time in history, we'll have a truly healthy population. So much energy was locked up in fighting to survive our parasites and diseases!
And yet... that's just half the job. What most people really need is not a physical but a psychological healing: undo brainwashing, teach control over rage and fear, fix brain dysfunctions... enable life-callings.
And those are subtle to diagnose. Do people even know their own lacks? Can't be fixed with a simple wave of my hand! Deep healing will be slow.
But think of the energy released... when we're really healed.
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