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Guru in Blue

Dreamed 1990/5/10 by Wayan

Night; the City; rain; afoot. My friend
Wade stops to pick up a parcel. Huge awk-
ward slow. Now he staggers a block
behind. A squall. I hate to stand

in drench. Ask Linda "You got a key
to his flat?" Yes. Inside, robes of blue--
Linda and Wade's guru. I want to see
his aura. He hides. I yell "Hey you!

Guru in Blue!" He shrieks, weaves through
Pillars in Hall, flees that staring Pupil, me;
Toddler in Terror. So what do I do?
Eye in Pursuit, I mimic his Rug-Rattery--

Chase, flail my arms and yell "BOOOOO!"
At his front door he fumbles the key--
Squeeze-slam! Locked in. Sealed safely away
from nightmarish Seekers--Spectres--like me.

Next time I'll question a warmer hue--
if Hot Bodhisattva will ever appear.
Is it a nightmare, when it's you
that seem your own dream's worst fear?

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: cities - nocturnes - mentors - color - tricksters - fear & panic - chased! - dream poems - dream humor - is it a nightmare if you terrify your dream? - Henry James achieves a Turnabout - same dreamer, same night: Bowling Boy (caution: sexual humiliation)

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