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Dreamed by Eileen c.1976, as told by Gayle Delaney

Eileen has... recorded several dreams in which she met and talked with her deceased grandmother, whom she has always loved and respected very much...

There was a gathering of the family somewhere. Grandma entered the room. We were all overwhelmed and said that she was dead. She just laughed. The next part is hazy.

Then the next part is vivid. Bill, Grandma, and I went for a car ride. Grandma didn't know how to drive in life. She started to drive Bill and me somewhere. Her driving was very fast. I felt the air hitting me in the face and could hardly catch my breath--like in the back of a convertible. Bill and I were both concerned and protested because Grandma didn't know how to drive.

She laughed and said, "There's more to me than that old woman you thought I was!"

Eileen said that when she told her brother this dream, he filled in a few details for her, explaining that he had dreamt the very same dream!

Neither Eileen nor her brother could remember where their grandmother was taking them, but they speculated that she might have been giving them a lesson in astral travel.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed. p.237-8, '81 ed. p.155-6)

LISTS AND LINKS: revenants - old age - cars - zoom! - mastery - shared & telepathic dreams - siblings - the astral plane (or at least an astral car) - more Gayle Delaney

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