Dreamed 1996/7/9 by Chris Wayan
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I sprint back to my car, watching the lot for muggers. I fumble with my keys. Can't find the car key by feel, and have to look. It's the only gold one. But the light I'm standing under is golden: sodium!
(If you've never seen sodium streetlights, they're cheap, efficient, but monochomatic; everything looks golden-brown. They're used in the States around bridges and factories--they subtly say "this is industrial space. Move on, humans!")
So under the sodium lamp's cheap golden light, ALL my keys suddenly looked gold! I stared in horror, then ran off through the slummy dark, seeking white light... to reveal the true key.
I woke bewildered. Discount coupon? I AM kind of a cheapskate; artists and writers have to be in America, or starve.
But somehow, that dream just didn't smell like it was really about money...
Well... I got up, and got on with my day. Biked over to the Haight-Ashbury, where I had to get an allergy shot.
And there I saw the golden keys!
Or does that white light mean spiritual clarity? They always say "seek the white light within." (Why not the black light, or the lava lamp within? At least those are Haight Street sort of items!)
I can't be sure... but I suspect that spirituality is the golden key, at least for me. You see, later that same night, I had a second dream:
But she meditated with great intensity, eyes open, aware of me, yet staying focused on generating inner light. She was holding the pale wings of birds, as if they grew out of her breasts. She was naked and looked at me with great seriousness.
Leaving me alone in the quiet dark, save for a few loose, luminous feathers, fluttering down like autumn leaves.
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